NAME: Acerola

LATIN NAME: Malpighia Glabra

OTHER NAMES: Barbados cherry, acerola cherry, acerola cherry, Malpigiya naked, Puerto Rican cherry, Garnet malpigia, Caribbean cherry, Tropical cherry.

BOTANICAL INFORMATION: Acerola is an evergreen tropical plant. It`s a large, dense bush or low tree, from 4 to 6 metres height and grows about the same in width. Numerous tree bodies are thin and look like reeds. The fruit is round or oval, looks like a cherry, but closer to citrus due to its properties. The berry is divided into 3 segments, it has a bone inside and thin, smooth, easy to damage skin. The color of the skin is bright red and the flesh is orange with a bitter-sweet flavor.

HABITAT: The origin of Malpighia Glabra is Lesser Antilles, including Barbados and the north of South America. Today, it can also be found in Cuba, Jamaica, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: The fruit of Acerola is a storehouse of Vitamin C: for 100gr of product there are 3300mg of ascorbic acid, which is 100 times more than in orange. The chemical composition of Acerola is rich in different vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B9 K, E, A, beta carotene, zinc, selenium, copper, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bioflavonoids and many others.


Acerola has traditionally been used of the peoples of Latin America.

*This article is for informational purposes only. We suggest consulting a physician before using these or any other herbal supplements.