Latin Name: Sinapis alba

Family: Brassicaceae

Genus: Sinapis

Origin: Asian countries

Distribution Area: most common in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, it can be found worldwide. It has been found as far north as Greenland, and naturalized throughout Great Britain and Ireland.

Botanical information: in general, all kinds of mustard refer to annual plants. They have entire leaves. Flowers have yellow petals, bent in the opposite direction. Most often, the height of plants reaches a meter. The fruit is the pod. It has a long and slightly flattened nose. There are several distinctly protruding veins. The diaphragm is thick, the seeds have a round shape and are arranged in a row.


There are quite a lot of mustard sorts, but their chemical composition and nutritional value are almost identical. Do not forget that all sorts have one ancestor, and thereby, the genetic code of all these plants is alike. Here is the list of ingredients that make up the mustard plant:

  • essential oil
  • proteins
  • carbohydrates
  • fats
  • alimentary fiber
  • starch
  • sugar
  • acids of organic origin

The mustard leaves, especially the young ones, are rich in vitamins (the main groups E and B). They also have a decent amount of mineral salts.

The nutritional value of mustard directly depends in what form it is presented. If we are talking about a fresh plant that has not begun to wither yet, the calorific value is 162 kcal per 100 g of product. If the mustard is already prepared as a seasoning, then the value is lower - 67 kcal. However, the plant acts as an auxiliary "dish", thereby it still does not fulfill the daily requirement for calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Mustard oil is squeezed out of the seeds. It has an excellent aroma and an interesting taste. It has a lot of vitamins.


“All you need is Faith as small as a mustard seed!”

*This article is for informational purposes only. We suggest consulting with a physician before using these or any other herbal supplements.