There is one very beautiful, but rather sad legend of Ancient China:
Once upon a time a young married couple lived in a small village. They had two twin daughters: one was Silver Flower, and the second was Golden Flower. The girls were very friendly and swore that they would always be inseparable.
Much time has passed, the daughters have matured. They only managed to celebrate their 17th Birthday, as the Golden Flower suddenly fell ill. Her temperature was high, the fever appeared, and her whole body became covered with red spots. The doctor warned that this ailment is very contagious and there is no cure for it. He advised all family members to be away from the patient.
But for the Silver Flower, the doctor's words meant nothing and could not stop her. The girl always wanted to be close to her sister, and no one could convince her.
Unfortunately, the doctor was right. This terrible disease did not spare either the Silver or the Golden Flower; the sisters died a few days later and were buried together.
The following spring many trees began to blossom in the cemetery. And only one beautiful shrub grew among all the trees very close to the twin’s grave. It was completely covered with white and yellow flowers. All the people living in the village were convinced that these flowers are the embodiment of the dead girls.
At the same time in the village the disease reached two other little twin girls. Their parents immediately turned to the doctor for help, but they heard the same disappointing diagnosis: the disease is fatal and there is no cure for it. But girls’ parents did not despair. They decided to go to the dead sisters’ grave and ask them for help. They picked flowers from the shrub, made a decoction from them and gave it to their sick children. Fortunately, their daughters soon recovered.
People in the village were convinced that this was a real miracle. The blooming plant that saved the girls' lives was named the golden-silver flower in honor to twin sisters.
In fact, this extraordinary legend tells about a traditional plant in China called the Lonicera Japonica.
LATIN NAME: Lonicera Japonica.
FAMILY: Caprifoliaceae.
GENUS: Lonicera.
COMMON NAMES: Japanese honeysuckle and golden-and-silver honeysuckle.
BOTANICAL INFORMATION: Lonicera japonica is a species of the genus (Lonícera) from the family (Caprifoliaceae). It is a semi-evergreen or evergreen, creeping fast-growing liana up to 10 m in length. Young shoots are pubescent. Leaves are ovate-oblong, less often oblong-elliptical, with slightly hairy on both sides, having minute cilia. Flowers are paired, located in the axil, bilabiate, very fragrant, white with a purple bloom, located on pubescent peduncles, which are usually longer than the petiole. Blooms from June to September. The berries are black, shiny, round in shape, 3-4 mm in diameter, contain a small amount of elliptical, slightly acuminate, black seeds. Fruiting in October-November.
Here is the simplest recipe for making honeysuckle tea:
Put picked flowers and young leaves of honeysuckle in cold water and quickly bring it to a boil. Then keep on low heat for about 20 minutes, cool, filter and add some fruit or burnt sugar.
Get the berry pits out. Put the berries into a glass jar till the half. Pour the empty space with alcohol of 40% and close it properly. Leave the container in a dry, cool, dark place for 14 days, shaking periodically. When ready, filter and take 20 drops 2 times a day.
This tincture cleanses the body from toxins and strengthens the immune system.
“It was a hot afternoon and I can still remember the smell of honeysuckle all along the street”
Billy Wilder
*This article is for informational purposes only. We suggest consulting with a physician before using these or any other herbal supplements.