Latin Name: Convallaria majalis
Family: Asparagaceae (formerly Lily of the Valley Family – Convallariaceae)
Common Names: May bells, Our Lady's tears, Mary's tears
Origin: native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, and Europe
Habitat: dry and young forest heaths, ridges, forest margins, rocky ridges, banks, broad-leaved forests, coppices.
Plant Parts Used: flowers, leaves and root.
A perennial plant with stem of 15-30 cm tall, having usually 2 glossy leaves 10-25 cm long and white bell-shaped flowers. Blooms from May to June, and then bright red or orange berries ripen. Lilies of the valley grow on bright glades of coniferous and deciduous forests.
Cardiac glycosides
Steroid saponins
Organic acids (apple acid, lemon acid)
Essential oil
Lily of the valley contains a lot of macro- and microelements
- Lily of the valley was often used for the preparation of wedding bouquets during the Middle Ages because it symbolizes modesty, chastity and purity. Lily of the valley also signifies "return of happiness".
- Leaves of lily of the valley were used in the past as a source of green pigment.
- Lily of the valley plant is used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of perfumes.
- It's said to bring luck in love.
- Lily of the valley can live for decades in cool climates, but doesn't survive for long in hot weather.
- Lilies of the valley appear in several Christian Bible stories. It is said that lilies of the valley grew from the spot where Mary's tears hit the ground at the foot of the cross.
To make a tincture fill a 2-cup (500ml), narrow-necked bottle three-quarters full with fresh herb. Pour 90-proof alcohol into the bottle until it is full. Close and allow to infuse for 2 weeks at room temperature. After 2 weeks, filter the liquid, which should be clear and light yellow in color. Add 10 to 15 drops to 1 cup of water and drink once a day after eating. Take for no longer than 3 to 5 days.
“I would far rather have two or three lilies of the valley gathered for me by a person I like, than the most expensive bouquet that could be bought!”
Elizabeth Gaskell
*This article is for informational purposes only. We suggest consulting with a physician before using these or any other herbal supplements.