LATIN NAME: Arisaema Amurense.
FAMILY: Araceae.
BOTANICAL INFORMATION: Arisaema Amurense is a perennial herbaceous plant, species of the genus Arizema (Arisaema). The plant has 1-3 leaves. Petioles are long, forming a false stem. Leaf blades are trifid or five-fingered. The leaves are sometimes covered with whitish mottlings. Pedicel is shorter than petioles. The spadix is dioecious. Fruit is red, narrow-conical berry. The origin of the plant is Far East - Russia, China, Korea. It grows in deciduous and mixed forests, among trees, along river banks.
CHEMICAL CIMPOSITION: The underground part of the plant includes starch, saponins, alkaloids. The upper part contains organic acids, steroids, saponins, alkaloids, phenolic compounds. There is vitamin C in fruits.
Add 10 gr of dried grinded Arisaema root to 500 ml of 50% alcohol. Infuse in the dark, cool, dry place for 2 weeks. When ready, then strain. Take 10 drops before meals 3 times a day. The dose can be increased gradually to 20 drops.
“What is paradise, but, a garden, an orchard of trees and herbs, full of pleasure and nothing there but delights.”
William Lawson
*This article is for informational purposes only. We suggest consulting with a physician before using these or any other herbal supplements.