Lemon tree is an evergreen perennial thermophilic plant that does not tolerate low temperatures. It is a hybrid species of plants of the genus Citrus, belongs to the family of Routus. Originally, the lemon tree was grown as an ornamental plant in China.
The height of the lemon tree can reach three meters. The leaves of the plant are dark green with shine. The flower of the lemon tree has white inflorescences, which are located in the axils of old leaves or on the tips of old and new shoots.
The color range of the lemon pericarp may be from light yellow to red or green. Lemon rind is thick from orange to bright yellow in color. It contains glands with essential oils that give it a specific flavor. The weight of the fruit is small, an average of 65 grams. The length of the lemon is from 6 to 9 centimeters, the diameter is from 4 to 6 centimeters. The inner part has several nests with seeds. The fruit of the lemon tree can grow either singly or in clusters. Their form differs depending on the variety or type of hybrid.
Homeland of lemons is considered to be China, India and tropical Pacific islands. The wild condition of the lemon is unknown, most likely it is a hybrid that appeared in the process of evolution. Leaders for growing lemons are India, Mexico, Italy, Turkey.
In addition to lemon juice, lemon rind and fruit itself, it is very convenient to use liquid lemon extract.
Lemon extract
Lemon extract is a substance,made from the pulp and fruit peel. There is a rich supply of organic acids, vitamin C, as well as pectin components and mineral salts in the fruits of this plant. Due to the large volume of citric and other acids in the product, it is used for making cosmetics, as well as substances for cleaning various types of skin.
Lemon is the source of a huge supply of vitamin C, A, E.
Don’t forget taking care of your health and be happy!