The height of the plant varies from 9 to 12 m. The system of branches is open. The leaves are sleek, of dark green color. They are simple, of elliptic-ovate shape, 6-12 cm long and 4-8 cm broad. The flowers are of white color and are 10-15 mm in diameter. The seeds are hidden in a drupe, of red-purple color, 10-15 mm in diameter, usually containing 2 seeds. read more ›
The height of an adult plant is from 30 to 200 cm. The root is stalky. The stem is erect, sometimes branched. Leaves are petiolate. The lower leaves are palmately lobed or palmatisected, and the upper leaves are whole. They are the largest ones, up to 15 cm in length; closer to the top the leaves gradually decrease. read more ›
The root is thick and fleshy. The stem is straight, branching, 50-150 cm high. Basal leaves are very large, oblong or oblong-oval, crenate, heart-shaped at base; lower leaves are pinnately-divided and oblong-lanceolate; upper leaves are linear, entire-edge. Calyx is about 3 mm long. Petals are about 6 mm long, white, short-nodular. Fruits are pods, oblong-oval, swollen, 5-6 mm long; seed capsules are with 4 seeds. read more ›
Laurel is an evergreen tree or a high shrub, reaching 10-15 m in height, with a brown smooth bark and bare shoots. The crown is leafy, mostly pyramidal. Leaves are alternate, short-petioled, entire, glabrous, simple, 6-20 cm long and 2-4 cm wide, with a peculiar spicy odor; the base of the leaf is oblong, lanceolate or elliptical, dark green on top, light on the underside. Inflorescences are umbellate, numerous, collected mainly at the end of branches. read more ›
A large perennial or biennial herbaceous plant, 60-120 cm high (sometimes up to three meters). The root is thick, rod-shaped, and spindle-shaped, up to 60 cm long. The stem is erect, powerful, longitudinally grooved, often reddishly colored. The leaves are very large, petiolate, cordate. Flowers are tubular, in dark purple baskets. Blossoms in June-July. read more ›
Mango is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Moreover, the content of vitamin C can reach up to 175 mg per 100 g of flesh pulp. In addition, there is a very high content of such sugars as sucrose, xylose, glucose, fructose seloheptulose, maltose, mannoheptulose. read more ›
Deciduous tree of up to 25 m high. Leaves are large, complex, five to seven fingered, with long petioles. They form a dense crown. Flowers are campanulate, asymmetric, fragrant with a strong, pleasant smell. Chestnut fruit is a ball-shaped green capsule (walnut), 6-8 cm in length, seated with prickly thorns. The fruit contains 1-4 seeds. read more ›
The medium size of a black walnut tree varies from 70-90 feet tall and 2-3 feet in diameter. The branches are extensively spread and create a huge crown. The bark is thick and brown to grayish-black. The bark is deeply grooved and has narrowing branched ridges. read more ›
The plant includes a high amount of essential oil. There is up to 6.5% of it in fruits, and up to 0.5% in leaves. Fennel essential oil has a characteristic aroma and a spicy-sweet taste. read more ›
This plant is a low, delicate perennial shrub of 35–75 cm tall. Lanuginous boughs run on radially from a main stem. Leaves are dark green, ovate, usually up to 10–12 cm long. The flowers are miniature, green and in the form of bell. The full-grown fruit is orange-red. read more ›
Elettaria cardamomum is a piquant, fragrant, herbaceous, everlasting plant. Its growth is about 2-4 m in height. The leaves are represented of linear-lanceolate class of 40-60 cm long with a lengthy sharp upper part. The flowers are white to lilac or pale violet, produced in a detached prickle 30–60 cm long. The fruit is a trihedral yellow-green pod of 1–2 cm long, consisting of a number of black and brown seeds. read more ›
in general, all kinds of mustard refer to annual plants. They have entire leaves. Flowers have yellow petals, bent in the opposite direction. Most often, the height of plants reaches a meter. The fruit is the pod. It has a long and slightly flattened nose. There are several distinctly protruding veins. The diaphragm is thick, the seeds have a round shape and are arranged in a row. read more ›
Yarrow is an herbaceous, perennial plant. Stems are erect and simple, 20-60 cm tall. Leaves look like fuzzy pipe cleaners. They are alternate, 3-15 cm long, lanceolate, pinnate and highly dissected. Numerous flowering heads are in flat or round-topped paniculate-corymbose inflorescence. read more ›
Barley is an annual herb of 60-120 cm height. The rhizome may be one or several internodes in length. The stems are erect and made up of hollow, cylindrical internodes, separated by the nodes, which bear the leaves. read more ›
Shrubby plant reaches a height of 3-5 m, sometimes 7 m. The stem ramifies poorly and is covered with spines, small leaves of five-membered compound leaves resemble cherry leaves. The compact yellow flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences; fruits are black and aromatic. read more ›
Wormwood is a perennial herb with fresh, strong smell. The stems are erect, high, furrowed, branched, greenish with silver, can reach up to 1.5 m high. The leaves are helix-shaped, green-grey on the top and white beneath, covered with smooth, white-silvery trichomes. read more ›
it is a noticeable and impressive plant. The plant springs from a perennial rootstock, which is large and succulent, spindle-shaped and branching, brown and aromatic, with large, fleshy roots. Its vertical, sturdy and deeply grooved stem is from 4 to 5 feet high. It is branched on the top. read more ›
A perennial plant with stem of 15-30 cm tall, having usually 2 glossy leaves 10-25 cm long and white bell-shaped flowers. Blooms from May to June, and then bright red or orange berries ripen. Lilies of the valley grow on bright glades of coniferous and deciduous forests. read more ›
This is the only existing organism that has lived on the Earth without changes for millions of years precisely because of its unique biochemical composition. This is a balanced set of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, encased in an easily digestible mucoprotein membrane. read more ›
Have you heard of a plant like rhododendron? They say that it gives prophetic dreams, but only if it is put under your pillow from Thursday to Friday, on the eve of your birthday or on New Year and Christmas’ Eve. But perhaps people appreciate it for absolutely other qualities. read more ›